New lower school library

 New lower school library


The multi-million-pound lower school library project has a deadline of November. It is completely carbon neutral and has no source of gas for the building, being primarily heated by air source heat pumps, which extract the heat from the air around the building. There will be solar panels, but they won’t be very useful given the library’s geographical location, and it’s surface area. The cement and concrete are all either recycled or low carbon. All of the carbon produced in this building is offset.  

The build will have an official opening, by Dr Spence. There will be a lift and 2 staircases, one of them being a spiral staircase. There will be, like the current portacabins, 2 floors in the library and IT suite. Both staircases will be inside, meaning that you will never get wet going between floors again. There will be capacity for over 10,000 books in the library, meaning that there will be plenty for the 260 students who use it.  

Mr Hudson, the director of estates at Dulwich college, says that it is one of the biggest projects he has worked on. The first piece of the building which was erected was the lift shaft, as it is a strong point in the building. The main stairs were prebuilt before they were transported on site, as they would be hard to make in the crowded building site. By November 2023, we will be able to look back at the months of planning, building, and designing, all in one time lapse recorded by a helpful little camera in the site office. There has been a tremendous amount of planning put into this project. 

There has been a discussion about any extra objects in the library excluding books, some ideas being a Grand Piano (Like the Wodehouse library) and a library pet. There may be a new name for this library, which will be released on the official opening. 



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